From Amazon's broadcasting rights, hard landing, housing market, to quantum sensors. Here's a list of content that is worth reading.
Captured my interest
AI-related startups need to change their sales mindset. You’re no longer a software company that is trying to sell productivity rather you’re a company selling work. When you sell work, the sales cycle is different, it’s priced relative to the cost of a human performing the work instead of as a productivity improver
Amazon is paying $100 million for exclusive streaming rights to the NFL's first-ever Black Friday game. So Amazon wants you to stay at home rather than go out on Blak Friday? But that’s not a joke because Amazon has a few tricks up its sleeve. Amazon’s broadcast will feature targeted ads that viewers can buy without even leaving the game, “audience-based creative”
Recently, the media houses have flooded the news feed with an assured soft landing. However, this article suggests otherwise. An opinion worth considering when framing your opinion. Despite falling inflation, we cannot ignore the vulnerabilities in labor markets, rising oil prices, geopolitical tensions, protectionist measures, and high government borrowing
The US Housing market is an interesting case to study. Imagine an asset that is going up in value but the transaction volume is declining. That’s the condition of the housing market. Are the price increases illusory? Are the low mortgage rates during the pandemic coming back to bite the market?
In a world of proliferating conflicts, the United States no longer has the power or money to handle everything at once. A shift in focus away from Asia would be a miscalculation. In particular, the urge to plunge back into Middle Eastern conflict should be strongly resisted
Science Corner
Colorifix, a UK-based company, uses DNA sequencing to extract the message contained within the DNA of microorganisms, allowing them to produce and bind pigments to textiles without the need for chemicals
J&J has hired 6,000 data scientists to use AI for drug discovery, utilizing its massive database called med.AI, which contains real-world data and clinical trial results. J&J has already made progress in diagnostics, such as using AI algorithms to detect high blood pressure and early signs of Alzheimer's disease. But will this bet pay off?
The Vision that can soon become reality: T-cells can be gathered from donors and reprogrammed, via gene editing, to fight cancer without triggering an immune rejection by the patient’s body. This means that Car-T treatments no longer have to be manufactured individually and expensively for each patient
I have recently started exploring the intersection between lab-grown diamonds and quantum computing. Here’s an interesting company that recently got funded: QuantumDiamonds. They have built quantum sensing with NV-centers (nitrogen-vacancy) that opens a previously untapped area of sensing technology allowing for highly sensitive measurements at atomic and molecular levels
Hot Take
All the problems that exist in this world are at its core computational problems. From mental illness to cancer to climate change are all the overarching questions for computational superiority!
(I intend to post this opinion every week until my ever-evolving belief is challenged or reshaped)
Venture Capital Related
Here’s a quote from Bill Gurley, I like how he framed timing “I went and talked to some LPs who have been in the business for a very long period. And a vast majority of the reason venture outperforms other asset classes has to do with these tiny windows where you have a super frothy market... If you strip those years out of a 40 year assessment, it's actually not that interesting of an asset class. This highlights the need for venture funds to get liquidity at the peak. Right when we're at the peak is when people get the most brazen and confident and start talking about how we're going to hold forever. You had venture firms with the biggest positions they've ever had in their entire life go over the waterfall and evaporate what could have been returns.”
To wrap your head around how far we have come into the LLM journey, read this: “If air travel had improved at the same rate as LLMs, average flight speed would have improved from 600mph in 2018 to 900,000mph in 2020-a 1,500x increase in two years. Instead of taking eight hours to travel from London to New York, it would take just 19 seconds”
Here’s an overview of how long it took 24 of today’s top B2B startups to get to (1) a live product, (2) their first customer, and (3) their first feeling of PMF. The median time from idea to feeling product-market fit was roughly 2 years
Here lies a massive opportunity for resale. Is there anyone addressing this problem? Apparently, Cashify is not doing a good job at it
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